New Packaging Regulation

CTLpack | 20 May 2024

New Packaging Regulation

On April 24, the European Parliament approved the new regulation on packaging and packaging waste (PPWR), which represents the most ambitious action framework the international community has ever known and should guide us toward a future focused on protecting our planet.

This agreement will most likely be formally adopted by the EU Council of Ministers after the European Parliament elections on June 9, 2024.

CTLpack is working to meet the objectives of this new regulation by setting a three-year horizon in which it is committed to improving the reduction of plastic tube weight, incorporating recycled materials, and enhancing recyclability through mono-material packaging. These actions align with Articles 6 and 10 of the regulation, which require manufacturers to ensure that packaging is over 70% recyclable and that weight and volume are minimized to the minimum necessary to guarantee functionality.

In this regard, we have defined twenty key products in our business and established action plans for each of them.

We also promote new recyclability options through certifications such as ISCC+, and we conduct research and work on new developments and designs that enable us to improve our recyclability and plastic reduction rates, such as the Minitop cap and the Eco-f tube, which achieves a weight reduction of up to 28% compared to a standard tube.

Additionally, in our laminated tubes, we are working to offer our customers aluminum-free (PBL) options in existing formats, as well as homologating complex PBL laminates with a thickness of less than 300 microns.

To meet the set objectives, we work with an external certifier who verifies the improved recyclability of our designs and developments.

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